Masterclass: omgaan met grenzen

Learn to stand up for yourself without losing connection with others!

Be more aware of your boundaries. Notice subtle signals when someone crosses your boundaries and make quick adjustments if you notice that you are falling back into old patterns. That is setting boundaries.

Do you experience this with yourself?

  • You keep putting yourself aside for others, going along with their story and thus losing sight of yourself. Maybe you find it difficult to see who you are and who the other is?
  • You are afraid of conflict and therefore let others walk all over you. You experience a lot of stress because you are afraid of not meeting the expectations of others.
  • You are dealing with a highly controlling environment, perhaps even with verbal aggression. This way you are always pushed into a corner, which prevents you from being yourself.

Do any of these experiences ring a bell? Then there is something wrong with your boundary awareness . The good news: setting boundaries is not innate, so you can learn it. Ready to experience for yourself what that does to you and your relationships?

Setting boundaries: what you will learn

  • Using reflective questions and concrete assignments, you explore which patterns you have adopted from your upbringing and environment, which ones work for you and which ones you can now distance yourself from.
  • Setting boundaries is only possible from a healthy self-esteem . Do you consider yourself important enough to take your rightful place? Discover how to set your boundaries, with respect for others.
  • Develop the inner strength that allows you to be open to the story of others while still maintaining your own story. From either-or to both-and!
  • Setting boundaries means choosing for yourself and your relationship with others.

The result? You are much more aware of your boundaries , immediately notice when they are being touched and make adjustments when you fall back into old patterns. And step by step you grow from setting boundaries to taking your place, with the necessary gentleness for yourself and others.

I have changed as a person, I set my boundaries more, I please less, I have more self-confidence, I feel inspired. MVB

This process is unique. Why?

1. Listen to your body | Your body immediately knows when someone crosses your boundaries, but today you still miss the signals. I teach them to recognize you so that from now on you will respond faster, before your emotions get the better of you. This keeps you calmer, sets boundaries and maintains a connection with your conversation partner.

2. Get more choices | NLP (brain, communication and boundaries), connecting communication (emotions and needs), somato-psychopedagogy (body and mind), Anné Linden (boundaries in relationships), Holding space (taking up your own space next to others): all these angles are covered bid and give you one big switchboard to get to know yourself and set your limits.

In the past it was easier for me to give in and get into trouble myself, but now I initiate contact even though I still say no. MJ

Just as practical

In ‘Setting Boundaries’ we explore the theme of boundaries very broadly. Setting boundaries is much broader than learning to say no to others. It is a way of standing in the world, taking your place, knowing what you want and expressing this in the world in a respectful way . We integrate the theory around boundaries with many practical exercises that strengthen your boundary awareness. This gives you more options in entering into relationships. You practice based on themes about boundaries that play a role in your life. You ask questions and learn from each other.

What is covered?

  • What are healthy boundaries? The structure of borders? When do we talk about boundaries between people? There are patterns in boundaries. What patterns do you recognize in yourself? And how can you learn to switch in this?
  • How do you recognize where your limits reach today? Boundaries extend beyond a black and white yes-no. Learn to recognize the subtle nuances in your need for space.
  • Boundaries are systemic. Partly shaped by our culture. How can you break free from that so that you can give substance to it yourself?
  • Setting boundaries requires a specific way of thinking and feeling. We were not given this method. A child is limitless at birth and must gradually learn to recognize and internalize its boundaries. How do you develop this boundary awareness in yourself and pass it on to your children?
  • Indicating boundaries in a connecting manner: how do you do this in practice?

When I started this process, for me setting boundaries was equivalent to “this far and no further”. Now I realize that setting boundaries is much broader, namely connecting with others while you can also say no here. HVDS

So you invest time in yourself : you are certainly worth it.

For this 2-day course you invest 247 euros (204.13 excl. VAT), coffee, tea and lunch sandwiches included.

Register or get information

To keep ‘Setting Boundaries’ very interactive, I allow a maximum of 9 participants.


Available Tickets: 100
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12 - 13 / 09 / 2024


10:00 - 16:30


Villa Verte
Pastoor Schmitzstraat 2 Oostduinkerke Dorp, West-Vlaanderen 8670


Life Essence